ProCard Frequently Asked Questions
My card is being declined! What do I do?
- Do you have the travel upgrade? You must have the travel upgrade in order to pay for travel- related items. Complete the following form and return to the ProCard Office.
- Are you over your single transaction limit? DO NOT SPLIT THE ORDER.
- If over $5,000 and the transaction is not a pre-approved (by our office), travel-related or membership type item, a requisition must be entered into PORT. Contact our office for guidance, if needed.
- If less than $5,000, but over your single transaction limit, complete the Transaction Limit Change Request Form.
- Fraud watch – The decline may be due to a fraud watch by the bank. Please call the number on the back of the card so the transactions can be verified. You may also call the ProCard office. If you are at the merchant, it’s best to call the bank.
- Are you over your daily or monthly limit?
- Have you approved/signed off on all transactions in Works for the previous month?
- Limits are not reinstated until transactions are approved in Works by the cardholder and/or reconciler AND the billing cycle starts over.
- Have you turned in all requested information to the ProCard Office? Are you late turning in your statement? Have you received any emails requesting more information from the ProCard Office? If your card has been suspended due to compliance issues, you will receive an email regarding the issue.
- Is the vendor an “abnormal” vendor? We have blocked MCC’s for vendors that most cardholders would not have a need to buy from. If it is a legitimate purchase, contact the ProCard office and we may be able to remove the block.
- Is your card close to the expiration date? Hotels will not accept payment for travel past the expiration date on the card.
- Have you activated the card?
- Are you using the correct pin? If you are unsure you can visit the link below to confirm your pin
- Website: com/PINCheck
- Be sure your billing address is correct (see below). Also, be sure the vendor is entering the correct CVC/CVV (numbers on the back of your card), as well as the correct expiration date.
- If your card is declined at the merchant, please call the toll-free number on the back of the card to determine the reason for the declined transaction. If you need help, please email or call the ProCard office. We can also assist you with determining the reason your transaction was declined, if needed. In most cases, we can help with the purchase.
Can I buy ………………………………..?
- Does your funding source allow it? Are you using State, Grant, Special or Foundation funds? Please contact the appropriate funding office for approval/guidance, if needed.
Is this expense allowed on the ProCard?
- Please see Examples of Expenses (PDF)
I’m locked out of Works!
- Be sure you are using your correct login name, which is your first and last name all together, no spaces and lower-case. Also, make sure there is not an extra space at the end of your user-name. If that does not work, contact one of the ProCard staff and they can unlock your account and reset your password.
What is my billing address?
- Your mailing address is set by the ProCard office based off your department’s location.
- East Campus/Main Campus: 1000 E 5th St 27858
- West Campus/Brody/Medical: 600 Moye Blvd 27834
- You are responsible for your shipping address, where the items will be delivered.
I cannot attach my receipts in Works.
- Refer to “Receipt Loading Instructions”. If the transaction is signed off, then we will need to flag it back. Please contact our office in order to have the transaction flagged back. Please wait to sign off in the future.
I signed off on my transaction, but I need to change the FOAPAL code.
- Is it past the deadline? Do you see an “ACT” in the Sign Off column? If so, a manual Journal Entry must be completed.
- Did you already sign off? If so, is it in your approver’s queue? If so, they may make a change. If not, contact the ProCard staff to have the transaction flagged back.
- In the future, please wait to sign off/approve until after you are sure FOAPAL is correct.
What is my PIN?
- When you activated you card, you should have been prompted in enter in a four-digit pin #.
- If you do not remember your pin or did not set it up upon activation of your card, please visit this website:
What is the tax exempt number?
- The tax exempt number for most vendors is located on your card.
- If you need a copy of the tax exempt certificate, contact Financial Services at and they can email it to you.
- Walmart – 1003978 (Online: 182544908)
- Lowes – “East C Greenville, NC” or 059800021.
- Office Depot – 39120714. (Office supplies should be ordered through PORT via the contract vendors, however.)
I have a travel question…
- Please contact the Travel Office ( or see the Travel manual and/or Frequently Asked
- Upgraded and select seats are not allowed by ECU.
- Travel insurance/protection is not allowed by ECU.
- Personal meals, while in travel status, are not allowed on the ProCard. You must go through the reimbursement process due to per diem requirements.
Bulk Invoices
- Paying bulk invoices is strictly prohibited on the ProCard. Please notify the vendor at the time of payment that you would like to pay each invoice separately. This is the best business practice for vendors and the university because it allows us to track each invoice to ensure payment has been made.
- If you are paying for invoices online – be sure that you are only selecting one invoice at a time and paying them separately.
- If you have contacted your vendor and requested to pay each invoice separately and they are not being cooperative, please contact our office so that we may address this
Auto Pay
- Auto pay is strictly prohibited on the ProCard. It is your responsibility to take care of regular expenses for your department each month without the use of auto pay.
Software Purchases
- Per ITCS, the ECU Software Purchase Form should be used in ALL situations (new or renewal) when software or data services are purchased.
- The form can be found on the PORT home page labeled “ProCard Software Purchase Form”. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact ITCS.
Are International Transaction Fees a legitimate charge?
- Yes, international transaction fees are legitimate They will always accompany another international charge. The fee is typically 1% of the purchase price.
- These fees must be coded to the same FOAPAL as the transaction that it belongs with.
- You will not have any back-up for this charge but should note what charge it belongs with.
What back up is needed for my ProCard transaction?
- An itemized receipt (includes the unit price, displays the vendor, shipping, and total amount)
- Clear business purpose
- Was the transaction a meal?
- A list of attendees must be included with the itemized receipt and the business purpose.
- Was the transaction related to a conference (registration fee/flight to conference)?
- An agenda should be provided with the itemized receipt and the business purpose. The agenda should include the following details:
- Name of Conference
- Locations of Conference
- Dates of Conference
- An agenda should be provided with the itemized receipt and the business purpose. The agenda should include the following details:
I have lost my receipt, what do I do?
- You must contact the vendor and request another receipt be sent to you.
- If you are unable to obtain a receipt from the vendor, you must contact our office to receive a missing receipt form. Please email our office at with the vendor name, date of purchase, and the transaction total. We will send you the form needed to include in place of your missing receipt as your back up.
I am changing departments, what should I do?
- Please contact our office to notify us of this change. You will be asked to fill out the Account Maintenance Form. Your card will be suspended until we receive the Account Maintenance Form with the updated information.
I will be out on leave for a few months, what should I do about my ProCard?
- Please contact our office to notify us of this Your card will temporarily be suspended until you return. You will be asked to fill out the Account Maintenance Form.
- Please keep your card in a secure location while on leave
My receipt does not match the charge displayed in Emburse Enterprise
- It is your responsibility as the cardholder to ensure that the receipt matches the charge that is displayed in Emburse Enterprise
- If the vendor name does not match: you must provide supporting documentation that can verify the same name of the vendor that is displayed in Emburse Enterprise .
- If the total amount does not match: you are responsible for contacting the vendor to inquire why these amounts are different.
- If the vendor is not cooperative, you can dispute the charge with Bank of America.
How do I complete ProCard Training?
- ProCard training is offered exclusively online through Cornerstone. Please register via Cornerstone.