Student Financial Services

The Student Financial Services unit consists of the following departments:

Cashier’s Office

The University Cashier’s Office serves as the central collection center for payment of student tuition, fees and related charges on student accounts. This office also services student accounts receivable and receipting departmental deposit.  The Cashier’s Office also provides information regarding student accounts, payment plans for fall/spring, processes faculty/staff tuition waivers and distributes 1098(T) forms.

Student Accounting Office

The University Student Accounting Office serves as the central billing office. The primary purpose of this office is to bill students and 3rd party vendors on behalf of the student.  The Student Accounting Office is the main contact for any student using tuition assistance programs.  This office is the point of contact for payment of Post 911 GI Bill (Chapter 33), NCVA, Vocational Rehabilitation.

Collections Office

The ECU Collections Office services and collects past due balances for students not currently enrolled and partners with Heartland ECSI for collection and servicing of the following student loans:

  • Federal Perkins Loans
  • Nursing Student Loans
  • Health Professions Student Loans
  • Loans for Disadvantaged Students
  • Primary Care Loans
  • Sarah E. Clement Emergency Loans


Student Financial Services Staff