Chrome River
Emburse Enterprise is an accounting software application designed to automate and streamline Accounts Payable processes for travel expenses, employee reimbursements and corporate credit card transactions. This software product is designed to incorporate University travel rules and approval processes. Emburse Enterprise will replace the Online Travel system and the ProCard reconciliation process in WORKS.
The implementation of this new accounting software will provide the following:
- Paperless, receipts will be scanned or uploaded into CR SNAP app
- Speed up the reimbursement process
- Simplify the Travel Reimbursement Process
- Encumbered travel expenses will be reflected in Budget Reports
- Enforces University Business Rules and Compliance
- Increase accuracy
- Mileage calculator and map
- Per diem rates calculator
- No more paper statements
- ProCard Transactions will be uploaded into Banner quicker and more frequently
- Approval process is automated
- Single sign-on
- A delegate can be assigned
Emburse Enterprise Hotline: 252-737-5700
Emburse Enterprise Email: