Implementation of Touchnet Touchnet was implemented in the Summer of 2008. Students and authorized users have been receiving email notifications of eBills and accessing the system since that time. They have been able to review account transactions, view prior bills, print statements and reprints, make payments and authorize users/parents/spouses to view and pay bills. Students and authorized users have been able to review account transactions, billing statements, and make payments online through Touchnet since April 2008.
24/7 available access eBilling offers a fast and efficient way to view student account charges online. Students and authorized users can log in at any time to view the student account and/or pay online. Students and authorized users do not have to wait for the statements to arrive in the mail.
Private and Secure Billing notifications that are sent to the student via mail are not always secure: statements may be lost or stolen. Whereas with eBills, students are required to login to Pirate Port to obtain a billing statement, make payment on account, or view account activity. When a new billing statement is available students and authorized users are sent an email notification which provides the secure link for log-in.
Easier to Track Past Activity It can be tedious to review and track old paper statements. Within the eBilling system, a student, authorized user, and appropriate staff members can review any previously sent eBill statement with an option to print those statements at any time.
Enhances Online Services and Communication E-mail and web-based services have become primary ways of communicating on campus and throughout the world. In addition, several university applications and processes, such as admissions, registration, and grades are already paperless or electronic. eBilling continues this initiative and the web culture that students have become accustomed to.
Environmentally Friendly eBilling allows both the university and the eBill recipient to reduce paper usage, which is friendly to the environment and promotes the conservation of our nation’s forests.
Inaccurate Mailing Addresses The Cashier’s Office consistently receives returned mail due to inaccurate mailing addresses. With eBilling the student and authorized user will receive an email notification of a pending statement thus reducing the number of students that have their classes canceled due to non-payment as a result of a bad address.
Multiple Bills during Peak Times eBilling will allow the Cashier’s Office to send billing statements weekly or monthly to students with account balances. This will allow the university to send billing notifications to those students who may have paid their previous bill, but now have additional charges on account as a result of adding classes, increase in housing or dining charges, or changes in financial aid, etc. Currently, students only receive a paper bill at the beginning of each semester and monthly bills are only being sent via eBills.
Option to mail in payment The Cashier’s Office will still allow the student and/or authorized users to pay the bill by mail for those who are hesitant to pay online. eBilling will allow students and authorized users to print billing statements via the internet at any time.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) Currently, the Cashier’s Office does not provide any information – including balance on account – to parents and/or guardians if the student has not given the university written permission. With eBills student billing statements will not be sent to anyone the student has not set-up as an authorized user. This continues the concept that the student is responsible for his/her account at East Carolina University.