eBill Frequently Asked Questions

1. How will I know when an eBill is available?

Each month, all students with an outstanding balance will receive an email notification to their ECU Outlook Live student email account that an eBill statement is available online.

2. How do I access my eBill?

Log into Pirate Port using your PirateID and Passphrase, then select “Tuition Statements, 1098-T Statements & Payments”. This will log you directly to the eBilling web portal where you can view eBills, view current account activity, and make online payments.

3. Can I give online access to my eBill and student account to my parents and/or other individuals?

Yes. Once you have logged into the eBill system through your Pirate Port account, you will select the “Authorized Users” link. On this page, you will enter the authorized user’s email address and you will select what account access you wish for your authorized user to have. Authorized users can be given access to view your billing statement and/or access to view your payment history. Next you will answer the questions and click “Add User.”

Once you have submitted this information, the authorized user will receive an email notification which will include the authorized user link for login, user name, and password. You can add as many authorized users as you wish.

Please note that authorized users DO NOT have access to your stored payment methods, academic records, or other personal information. In order for authorized users to be able to receive information concerning your academic records or to speak with an ECU Cashier Office representative about your account balance in detail, FERPA permissions will need to be granted through your Pirate Port account or ECU Parent and Family Portal. For more information concerning FERPA permissions, please visit the Office of the Registrar at Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

4. How will my authorized user(s) know when an eBill is available?

Each week, all authorized users whose student has an outstanding balance will receive an email notification to the email address that was inputted at the time the student granted access. Once the authorized user logs into the eBill system, the authorized user will be able to update the email address as necessary under the “My Profiles” tab.

5. Can I see my current account balance when I look at my eBill statement?

No. Your eBill statement only reflects the charges and credits applied to your student account at the date and time the bill was generated. To view your current account activity, you will log into your Pirate Port account then select “Tuition Statements, 1098-T Statements & Payments”, then select “eBills” and then “Recent Account Activity.”

Please note that if additional charges are incurred after an eBill statement has been generated, it is the student’s responsibility to monitor their financial account to ensure that there are sufficient financial aid/resources and/or payment to cover all charges on account. A partial payment will not secure any of a student’s class schedule.

6. How do I print my billing statement?

Log into your Pirate Port account then select “Tuition Statements, 1098-T Statements & Payments”, select “View Statements” then select the ‘view’ box for the statement date you would like to print. Once you have selected the statement, click “File” then “Print:”

For assistance with printing your billing you may visit the Cashier Office at G120 Old Cafeteria Complex, by email at cashier@ecu.edu, or by calling (252) 737-6886 or toll free at 1 (888) 331-5328.

7. What if I did not receive a bill?

You are responsible for making sure that the amount owed is paid by the due dates listed for each semester in the Academic Calendar and the University’s Tuition & Fee Schedules whether or not an eBill is received.

To review the current status of your account or to review previous bills, log into your Pirate Port account, select “Tuition Statements, 1098-T Statements & Payments”, once logged into the eBill system, select “Statements” in the drop down box. To view activity by term you will select “Account Activity”. For assistance, you may visit the Cashier Office at G120 Old Cafeteria Complex, by email at cashier@ecu.edu or by calling (252) 737-6886 or toll free at 1 (888) 331-5328.

8. Why are paper bills being replaced?

The decision to move away from paper bills to eBills was made to improve customer service with our growing population of students while meeting the budgetary constraints that have been mandated by the State of North Carolina.

Since summer 2008, students and authorized users have been receiving eBill notifications in conjunction with the mailing of paper bills. This same service has also allowed students and authorized users to view current account activity, print billing statements, and make online payments.

In addition, e-mail and web-based services have become primary ways of communicating on campus and throughout the world. There are several university applications and processes, such as admissions, registration, and grades that are already paperless or electronic. eBilling continues this initiative and the web culture that students have become accustomed to.

9. What if my financial aid, ECU scholarships, and/or other financial payments or resources are not listed on my eBill statement?

If you have questions regarding your financial aid such as loans, state and federal grants, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (252) 737-6610 or email at faques@ecu.edu.

If you have outside scholarships that have not paid to your account, please mail a copy of the scholarship award letter to G120 Old Cafeteria Complex, Greenville, NC 27858 or by email to cashier@ecu.edu or by fax to (252) 328-2413. This award letter should be on the scholarship source letterhead, and should note your name, Student Banner ID, amount, and semester the scholarship funds should be used.

If you have ECU scholarships that are not on your eBill, you should contact your department that has awarded you the scholarship to ensure that the information has been routed to the appropriate offices for payment.

For other financial payments/resources, please email the Cashier Office at cashier@ecu.edu or call the Cashier Office at (252) 737-6886 or toll-free at 1 (888) 331-5328. We encourage you to continue to monitor your student account online as current account activity can be viewed online by selecting “eBills” and then “Recent Account Activity.”

10.Why do I keep receiving eBill notifications when my eBill statement shows I have enough Financial Aid to cover my balance due?

Until the Financial Aid has actually posted to your student account with the Cashier Office, you will continue to receive eBill notifications. It is standard that Financial Aid does not normally pay into student accounts until 2-3 days before classes begin for a semester. To determine if the Financial Aid has actually posted to your student account you will need to click on “Current Activity” for the term in question. If you have questions related to Financial Aid, you may contact Financial Aid at (252) 737-6610.