
The ECU ProCard is a corporate purchasing credit card issued to employees for quick purchases of goods and services less than $5,000.

Steps to Receive a ProCard

Must be ECU staff or faculty with “permanent” or “time-limited” employment status in order to be eligible for a ProCard. Steps 1-4 can be completed in any order.

  1. Complete and submit the “ECU ProCard Application” (form found under ProCard Forms)
  2. Complete Banner Security Request to obtain ORGN security for all ORGNs that you will need to use as a cardholder.  (Directions are under Helpful Tools and Hotlinks)
  3. Review the ProCard PowerPoint training and then complete the ProCard Training Quiz in Cornerstone which is accessed via PiratePort.
  4.  Complete the “Banner Finance Training for New Users” in Cornerstone which is accessed via PiratePort.
  5. You will receive an email from the ProCard Office when your application has been processed.
  6. When your card has arrived and all of the above requirements have been completed, the ProCard Office will notify you that your ProCard is ready for pickup.