Fixed Tuition Program

In 2016 each University of North Carolina (UNC) constituent institution implemented the Fixed Tuition Program as required by North Carolina General Statute § 116-143.9. Thanks to this bold legislation passed by the 2016 General Assembly, in-state undergraduates at our public universities will have the opportunity to complete a degree quickly and affordably.

Beginning with the fall 2016 semester, tuition rates at ECU will be fixed for eight consecutive semesters for all resident freshmen seeking a bachelor’s degree. Tuition rates for other currently enrolled resident undergraduates and eligible transfer students will be fixed for an appropriate number of consecutive semesters.

Students must be continuously enrolled at ECU in fall and spring semesters in courses creditable toward a baccalaureate degree. A break in enrollment occurs when a student is not enrolled during two consecutive semesters at the same institution. Students are not required to be enrolled during the summer term(s) to maintain continuous enrollment.

The provision includes flexibility regarding the semester limit for five-year programs and students who demonstrate a substantial disruption in their pursuit of a degree.


First-time resident students seeking a baccalaureate degree in a four-year programs will be eligible for 8 consecutive academic semesters (not including summer sessions).

Tuition rates for other currently enrolled resident undergraduates and eligible resident undergraduate transfer students will be fixed for an appropriate number of consecutive semesters, (not including summer sessions).

Transfer resident undergraduate students will receive fixed tuition for a prorated time period, based on credits accumulated at the transferring institution(s). Students transferring between UNC institutions, but maintaining continuous enrollment will be subject to the transfer student policy. For questions related to transferable undergraduate credits, please contact the Registrar’s Office at


The eligibility period begins for first-time or transfer students upon enrolling at ECU for the fall or spring semester as a degree-seeking undergraduate. Semesters in which students completely withdraw from the institution before the completion of the term will be counted in the designated fixed-tuition time period.


The following categories of students are not eligible for the Fixed Tuition Program: continuing education students; students currently enrolled in a cooperative innovative high school/early college, consortium, or dual-enrollment program; second degree seeking students; readmits who are not granted an appeal; non-degree seeking students; UNC Online, World Language; non-resident students; and graduate and professional students.


Any program authorized by the Board of Governors to require 135 semester credit hours or more is officially designated as a five-year baccalaureate program. First-time students seeking a baccalaureate degree in five- year programs will be eligible for 10 consecutive academic semesters, not including summer sessions.


Transfer students will receive fixed tuition for a prorated time period, based on credits accumulated at the transferring institution(s). Students transferring between UNC institutions but maintaining continuous enrollment will be subject to the transfer student policy.

Per the UNC System policy, the following scale is used to determine semester-equivalents for transferable undergraduate credits

  • 1 to 15 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as one semester
  • 16 to 30 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as two semesters
  • 31 to 45 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as three semesters
  • 46 to 60 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as four semesters
  • 61 to 75 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as five semesters
  • 76 to 90 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as six semesters
  • 91 to 105 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as seven semesters
  • 106 to 120 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as eight semesters
  • 121 to 135 transferable undergraduate credits shall count as nine semesters

The semesters of transferable credit are counted towards the 8 semesters of eligibility for fixed tuition. Example: if a student has 34 hours of transfer credit, they have used three semesters of fixed tuition and now are only eligible for 5 semesters of fixed tuition here at ECU.


Students who have interrupted continuous enrollment may petition for a waiver to retain initial fixed tuition under the following conditions: (1) military service obligation, (2) serious medical debilitation or (3) short- or long-term disability.


A reduced cap on student fees begins with the 2017-18 academic year. Increases in student fees are capped at 3% per year, using 2016-17 fees as a baseline.